BA Design Third year. A documentation of my research.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009


The signs of a compulsive hoarder are the following:

Compulsive acquisition - hoarders acquire extras of things, just in case, more than they'll ever use.

Disorganisation - hoarders find organization difficult, so things end up in haphazard piles.

Difficulty discarding - they really can't throw anything away without severe anxiety.

unrecognised neurobiological malfunctions that standard treatments do not necessarily address” Dr Saxena added that “The results emphasize the need to rethink how we categorize psychiatric disorders. Diagnosis and treatment should be driven by biology rather than symptoms,"

Unlike other forms of OCD in which patients often recognise their behaviour as irrational and senseless, hoarders tended to believe they were acting rationally, and did not need help.

Tips and suggestions for Hoarders
Bullet pointThrow things away straightaway without checking.
Bullet pointThrow things away at times the refuse collectors are coming.
Bullet pointGet help sorting.
Bullet pointGet a paper shredder.
Bullet pointIf you cant remember the reason why you have it, get rid of it.
Bullet pointBuy things in limited quantities.
Bullet pointStop junk mail, newspapers etc.
Bullet pointSet reasonable targets.
Bullet pointCarers and family members should change the subject when the sufferer gets angry.

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