BA Design Third year. A documentation of my research.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Matt Jones

Anything essential is invisible
Matt Jones is the co founder of Dopplr, a web company to do with optimising your travel. Previous to this company he studied to be an architect, which he packed in due to recession. Since, Matt has worked for the BBC and Nokia.

Below are some notes;

"Serendipity is looking in a haystack for a needle", making the invisible visible.

It was built from the following concepts;
-Personal sensors
-Direct reporting
-Sensors in you environment
-Bureaucratic sources
-Attention Data
-Objects that report to the network
All about sharing.

Tom Cootes talks of "instrumenting your life" builds up a profile from your itunes.

Physical generation of digital assets. Physical generation of stuff. Creating media about health. The qualified self site; tools for knowing and understanding your body. The phone is a sensory platform. This item has potential to notice things out of your spectrum, which can report to your network.

Dan Hill-
Decibels- portraying sound in an environment that's invisible by making it visible.
Bjorn- stanford Aldwind.

Instrumental world. Find the essential thing and edit, edit, edit, less is more. But the companies philosophy is to try and find a visual language. Stamen design. Blow up every idea. Sean Allen (stamen) made a visualisation of the date set in material stitching form.

ARVP design engineers and architecture. About scales not weight. Creating data toys.

The more actively in service, the more personalised you are with the brand. The logo changes shades of colours.

Service design; putting a tiny delight for the user to act around.

Start to expose tomtom's. what will we loose from ourselves.

Technology into the future how far is too far? What technology do we push into the world?

How do we use what is pushed out? Technological ideas take seven years to create (Nokia).
It's a case of re-rooting around songs. Material is sourced two years before the idea.


Foxcon; China. Rain design cities.

Dopplr is funded by investors.

Ideology of the iconic

RIBA; printing and wax models.
Rapid prototyping is collapsing. Live prototyping. Changing behaviors, try something out to realise the fine balance.

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